Please Donate To Better Serve Our Veterans And Their Families

A new Fisher House is under construction at the VA Medical Center Campus in Memphis, Tennessee.  A Fisher House operates similar to a Ronald McDonald House except that its guests are families of our Veterans who have come to Memphis for Medical Care.  The Fisher House will have 16 suites to serve the families of Veterans from West Tennessee, Northern Mississippi, East Arkansas and a few counties in Western Kentucky at no cost to those families.

For more than 30 years, the Fisher House program has provided a home away from home for families of patients at major military and VA Medical Centers. These homes offer free, temporary housing to military and veteran families, allowing them to be close to their loved one during a medical crisis and focus on what’s important – the healing process.

Sir Knight Sam Lackey, our Assembly’s VA Representative, is shown below signing the final beam at the topping-off ceremony on October 6, 2023.  The official opening of this Fisher House is planned for the Spring of 2024.


Our Assembly is asking that all Knights of Columbus Third Degree Councils and Fourth Degree Assemblies in these areas to be served, assist us in raising these funds to help the day-to-day running of this Fisher House in Memphis.  Our Initial Goal is to raise $10,000 for this Fisher House.

Please forward all funds raised to:

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree
Deacon Lee R. Hurst Assembly #2183
8679 Stablemill Lane
Cordova, TN 38016

Donations should be made out to Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree with Fisher House Memphis on the “For” line.

Donations are Tax Deductible to the maximum allowed by law.